Guitarist resources for all guitarists. I was once asked by a friend “how did you learn to play the guitar” Well that’s a very good question, and I really had to give it some thought, because it is so long ago, more than 40 years, that I had almost forget how and when I learned. So in this Article I am going to reveal my secret. But then I will also reveal to you how I would go about it today. So just how did I learn. Well it’s a long story, but to be reasonably brief, the when is just as important as the how. You see, I learned whilst I was serving the British Army in Germany in the early 1960’s. As you will all know, that was the hey day of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones and also in America we had Elvis and buddy Holly and All those early Rock’n’roll stars, far too many to mention here. So that’s the When, and I suppose it’s also the why, but the How! I really wanted to learn to play the electric guitar but I could not afford one, being a young “squaddie” in those we did not get...