Gastric Band Surgery In Belgium is Perfectly Safe.
The Continuing debate on the biased report by the BBC on Gastric Banding Surgery in Belgium produces yet another unsolicited letter of support for Dr Chris De-Bryune. Quote Dear Dr Chris Having seen the BBC news report on the TV this week I wanted to let you know that I have emailed the BBC in your support. I totally disagree with them, consider the report to be untrue and biased and am very angry at the manner in which you were filmed. I am more than happy with all aspects of the services you offer including the aftercare and am very grateful to you for doing my Gastric Band. Kind regards Julia Tabor ENDQUOTE Possibly related posts: (automatically generated) Gastric Band Surgery in Belgium Testimonials Pats deny report they’re upset with Brady choice Tags: gastric band , gastric band surgery , gastric band surgery abroad. , gastric band surgery belgium , gastric band UK , gastric lap band