London Ear Wax Removal Expert
London Ear Wax Removal Expert Earwax Removal Oxford A Good View of The Ear Canal Microsuction is the safest technique for clearing ear wax from the ear canal. It is much safer than syringing. The microscope offers extremely magnified vision so the nurses can see extremely well, therefore they can remove wax/debris without touching the ear canal walls – a comfortable, safe procedure. The magnified view allows the ear nurse therapist to assess the ear canal and ear drum to make a diagnosis. Endoscopic ear wax removal uses a fine 2.8mm endoscope inserted part way into the ear canal. The endoscope is a rod containing fiber-optics to relay light from a light source to illuminate the canal and a solid lens (or series of lenses) to relay the view from inside the canal to the outside. The endoscope can be either viewed directly, or imaging equipment can be attached to provide better magnification Unlike ear syringing or even the safer ear irrigation, there is no water used, which means l...